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Section No. 1

How to create a long-term control plan

Jersey City operates on a combined sewer system (CSS).
A CSS is designed to collect stormwater run-off, which enters the sewer system through a catch basin usually located on a street corner and wastewater in the same sewer line. During dry weather, the system carries the wastewater to the treatment plant. During heavy rainfalls, however, the sewer line becomes inundated with the combined volume of water sometimes causing an overflow into our waterways.

This is called a combined sewer overflow or CSO.

Section No. 2

Where are Combined Sewer Overflows in Jersey City?

Jersey City has 21 CSO discharge points. As seen below

What are long-term solutions to mitigate waterway pollution?

  • Join community meetings!

  • Under the terms of the Clean Water Act, combined sewer systems are regulated by the EPA and municipalities are responsible for devising strategies to reduce or eliminate combined sewer overflows and mitigate the resulting pollution of waterways. The Jersey City MUA is hosting 4 Community Informational Meetings to address the effects the CSOs are causing, present alternatives, and receive feedback from the residents of Jersey City.
  • For more detailed information on combined sewers and the long-term control plan, please visit This website also serves as an essential reference that routes to the njcso group cso notification system website.